Theme: Job suitable for me
Exercise: Profile of vocational interests
Adapted by: European Partnership, Lithuania
Based on: the methodology developed during the Danish - Lithuanian - Estonian cooperation project "Preparation of consultants trainers and formation of the vocational guidance system in Estonia and Lithuania".
Aim: To help you to understand better your professional interests and to think about the job you would like to do and in what field you would like to work.
Expected duration: 20 minutes.
Description: It is important to have direction in your job search process as well as in your overall career. Before starting the job search process the first step is to answer the question “what I would like to do and what kind of job is suitable for me?” For this purpose it is important to evaluate your professional interests first. This could be done in different ways.
This test will give you a possibility to think about professions that are of interest to you. If you already have the profession, by doing this test you will be able to compare how your interests suit the field you are in. If you are thinking about a change in your career, you might think what kind of field you would like to work in.
There are two professions proposed for you each time. Please, choose the one which is more interesting and attractive for you. Click your preference. You should choose each time, even if professions are of equal interest to you.
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© EU KA3 ICT project "eMENTOR"

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.