Theme: Successful job interview
Video-based exercise: Dress to impress your interviewer
Sources: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alavHk9XlYk
Video language: English
Aim: To give you some tips how to dress for a job interview
Expected duration: 10 minutes.
Description: This exercise is for your self-learning and self-reflection and it is based on the video. It is very important to dress properly if you want to impress your potential employer and to make your job interview successful. This video gives some tips how you should get dressed as well what you should never wear to a job interview.
Attention! If you don't succeed to open this video it means that it has been removed from YouTube. We are really sorry. Please, find a similar video using the keywords such as, dress to impress your interviewer, job interview outfits, what to wear for a job interview, dressing for a job interview.
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© EU KA3 ICT project "eMENTOR"

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