Theme: Job suitable for me
Exercise: My style of learning and acting
Developed by: Annanet, Finland & European Partnership, Lithuania
Based on: "NLP Workbook" Joseph O`Connor;
"NLP At Work, The Difference that Makes a Difference in Business" Sue Knight
Aim: To understand better how I prefer to learn. This may give me an insight of the jobs most suitable for me.
Expected duration: 15 minutes
Description: Your learning style partially explains the way you act. It also gives the reference of the jobs which are most suitable for you. This exercise indicates how the human mind works internally organizing and subjectively attaching meaning to events. Although most of us use different learning styles we often have one favourite learning style which is our strongest sense. The sense we are most familiar with affects our way of thinking and acting. This gives insights about jobs most suitable for you.
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© EU KA3 ICT project "eMENTOR"

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.