Theme: Successful job interview
Exercise: How to properly present yourself during a job interview? Here are some do’s and don’ts
Developed by: Vytautas Magnus University, Department of Education, Lithuania
Based on: Learning video "Interview with employer", created during the project "Development of the measures for reducing social exclusion for LDRMT, Lithuanian labour market training service" (2009)
Learning outcome: The learner will be able to present him/herself properly during job interview for a possible employer.
Aim: To imagine a possible interview scenario and to check yourself reflecting on the dos and don’ts of a job interview.
Expected duration: 20 minutes
Description: There are some things that should be done (“do’s”) and some that should be avoided (“don’ts”) when preparing for a job interview. This test allows you to check if you know how to prepare for and behave during an interview.

Test. Decide if the action should be done (Do) or avoided (“Don’t) when preparing or during an interview.
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